A Beautiful Scenic Drive in Frederick Md with My Momma

Fall is always the perfect time of year to take a pretty, scenic drive in Frederick Md.

As with most people, I don’t take enough opportunities to just slow down and enjoy a nice long drive with my Momma.

So I decided it was a great chance to enjoy this beautiful, crisp fall day and spend some quality time with her!

Autumn Scenic Drive in Frederick Md

After several years of wanting a really nice DSLR camera, I finally got one for my birthday!

I absolutely love taking pictures!

It’s so rewarding to get that perfect shot and turn it into a vintage jewelry sale on Etsy, a feature photo on our blog, or a beautiful canvas print for our home.

My little point-and-shoot cameras and my cell phone camera have been sufficient, but it was time to go to the next level and get more serious about my photography.

My DSLR camera of choice is the Canon EOS Rebel.

To see what this camera can do, I decided to take it with me on a beautiful scenic drive in Frederick Md with my Momma.

I have to say, I know absolutely nothing about things like:

  • ISO speed
  • Aperture
  • Filters
  • Different size lenses
  • Dioptric adjustments
  • White balance
  • Exposure compensation
  • Shutter speed

All I know is that it’s a really nice camera and it takes really nice shots!

I would like to eventually take a class to enhance my photography skills.

However, for now, I’m experimenting my way through it.

Testing My New Camera Out On A Scenic Drive In Frederick Md

I called my Momma and asked her if she’d like to ride along with me on this beautiful day to test out my new camera.

Needless to say, my Mom happily obliged.

She’s retired and lives alone and welcomes any opportunity to hang out with me and my sister.

My beautiful Momma

This is my Momma.

Isn’t she cute?

Terri took this picture of my Mom at my Oktoberfest party the day before our scenic drive in Frederick Md.

Clearly, I didn’t know where I was going to go.

However, all I knew is that I wanted to drive around Frederick and find some good photo ops.

So, our first stop was off of Cap Stine Road at a gorgeous farm full of beautiful horses.

Scenic Drive in Frederick Md on Cap Stine Road

Hence, my Mom was oooohing and ahhing the entire time.

Mountville Road in Adamstown Md – Scenic Drive in Frederick Md

The next stop was on Mountville Road in Adamstown.

We happened upon this scene and I had to stop and run across the street, through a ditch to get these next few shots.

Scenic Drive in Frederick Md on Mountville Rd

I quickly discovered that being a photographer can be potentially dangerous.

These picturesque scenes aren’t always easy to get to.

Mountville Road
Beautiful farmland in Frederick County

After crossing the busy road back to my car that was halfway in a ditch and scaring my Mom into thinking we might have to be towed out, we squealed tires away.

We drove to our next stop right across the railroad tracks into Adamstown to this old building.

Adamstown Maryland

I think it was a private property and I felt like I might be shot by its owner, so I hurriedly took these next shots.

Railroad tracks in Adamstown Md
Flower close-up

This is where my Mom started yelling from the car, “Daughter, back up!….More!….More!….Okay, now take that shot!”

She was really getting into it at this point.

Farm in Adamstown Md

I hurriedly got back in the car and sped out of the private property to our next stop.

Our next location was an area near the Carroll Manor Fire Department.

We came upon this wrecked car just sitting in the middle of a field.

It was obviously there for a reason – to show people what reckless driving can do to a car and to the people inside.

My Mom and I were praying that the people involved in this accident escaped unharmed.

And I decided that a great shot isn’t worth the type of driving I was doing before I took this photo.

Wrecked car

The Original Adamstown Elementary School

The below photo is an old school.

Original Adamstown Elementary School

It used to be Adamstown Elementary School back in the day before they built Carroll Manor Elementary School.

There’s just something about taking photos of old dilapidated buildings.

You wonder about the history of the building when it was in it’s prime and the people who frequented it.

I learned from my neighbor that after this building was no longer used as a school, it was used to butcher hogs for many years.

Then things changed and the high costs of permits made hog butchering unprofitable.

Manor Woods Road – Scenic Drive in Frederick Md

This next photo is part of my ‘dilapidated building’ theme.

Scenic Drive in Frederick Md on Manor Woods Road

We happened upon this one on Manor Woods Road.

Basford Road – Scenic Drive in Frederick Md

After driving a while and enjoying the gorgeous day, talking and laughing with my Mom, we ended up on Basford Road.

This is a road I’ve never driven on before.

It was beautiful!

We rode by this little farm with some little horses.

This horse is looking at me as if to say “Keep movin’ along, there’s nothing to see here!”

Scenic Drive in Frederick Md on Basford Road

So as I turned to look forward and continue my drive, the below photo was my view.

A gorgeous tree-lined road.

Scenic drive in Frederick Md on Basford Road

After leaving Basford Road and finding my way back to knowing where I was, we drove into one of my favorite Frederick County towns, Middletown.

Middletown Maryland

I parked in one of the little parking lots off of Main Street and snapped this shot of this pretty flower blowing in the wind.

Middletown Maryland

I’m really liking the close-ups that this camera can capture!

Scenic drive in Frederick Md on Main Street Middletown

Then, I walked up to Main Street and snapped these couple of shots.

Lutheran Church Middletown Md

I took my last photos of the day at another farm off of Deer Spring Road.

Farm on Deer Spring Road

I LOVE this farm!

It is so picturesque and also happens to be the way I drive my son to school every morning.

Sometimes we stop and say hi to the horses.

Scenic Drive in Frederick Md on Deer Spring Road

They always tell my son that they love him and to have a great day at school.

My son laughs at me and tells me that horses can’t really talk, but I know that they’re thinking that!

So Much More Than Just A Scenic Drive

My Mom kept saying how beautiful a day it was and how glad she was that I included her on my very first photographic expedition.

She then told me that she loved me very much.

Later on, I realized that it wasn’t so much about experimenting with my camera on a beautiful day.

It was so much more than that.

It was about spending time with my Mom.

I’m so lucky to still have her in my life!

And it was so evident how happy this drive with me made her.

That was the true message that I brought home with me that day.

I love you Momma!

So here are the lessons I will never forget after my first picture taking journey:

  • Don’t risk life and limb crossing busy roads and parking in ditches just to get a good shot.
  • Don’t haul butt onto somebody’s private property just because you see a good potential photo subject. You might get shot.
  • DO bring your Momma with you as often as you can. You have no idea how much she’ll appreciate it. And you’ll appreciate it too and never forget the wonderful day the two of you shared together.
Beautiful Scenic Drive in Frederick Md with Momma
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10 thoughts on “A Beautiful Scenic Drive in Frederick Md with My Momma”

  1. I’m so glad you and your mom were able to just get away from everything and enjoy a beautiful day together–in so many ways!

  2. Oh Pam, I enjoyed this so much. Your photos were beautiful, and Frederick is such a gorgeous place…but most of all I loved what you wrote. You and your sister are indeed lucky to still have your mom and dad in your life; and I know how much you all love each other. I envy you for that. My mom died suddenly when I was only 35 (she was 58) and I miss her every day. Your mom did such a great job raising wonderful loving and caring children, especially the two of you….now she gets to reap the benefits by having you wanting to be with and spend time with her. I am so happy for you about that. It did bring tears to my eyes and I realize more what very special people you are and how lucky I am to know you all.

    • Thank you so much Nancy. You’re so sweet & I’m so very sorry you lost your Mom at such a young age. It’s days like this drive together that really make me feel so lucky to still have my Mom in my life.

    • Thank you Tracey! I’ve been crying the last couple of days writing this. I almost didn’t do this post because I didn’t think the pictures were that great. But then I realized the bigger message I wanted to convey in the post. Thanks for reading it ๐Ÿ™‚

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