24 Fun Things To Do At Home That’ll Keep You From Getting Bored!

We polled our readers asking for fun things to do at home that keep them from getting bored!

They responded with so many great ideas, that we had to write a blog post about it!

Fun Things To Do At Home

Sometimes, being home too much can get so boring and even depressing.

For example, if I’m home too many days in a row, I wake up feeling like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day”.

In the movie, he wakes up re-living the same exact day over and over again!

But by the end of the movie, he realizes he has the power to change the outcome of his day.

He does this by doing different things throughout the day in order to improve the end result.

That’s kind of how I feel whenever I’m home too much.

We don’t have to do the same thing, all day, every day.

Why not change it up and keep it interesting?

So take a look at our readers’ suggestions and try one, or two, or even all of them so that boredom doesn’t overcome you when you’re stuck at home.

Things To Do That’ll Keep You From Getting Bored

1.Family Dinners

Family Dinners Are Important

As much as you and your family might be tempted to fill your plate and go opposite directions to eat your meal, sitting down to eat dinner together is super important.

Although, we’re together all day, we’re not really together.

Oftentimes, the kids are in their rooms and the parents are sitting on opposite ends of the couch.

We’re each in our own personal bubbles for hours until it’s time to exhale and take a breath at the end of the day.

Sitting together at dinnertime is the best time to catch up with each other and truly reconnect.

2. Silly Word Games

Word games can be super fun!

As a matter of fact, word games are the perfect way to get some fun conversation going while you’re eating dinner together.

Here are some word games you can play around the dinner table:

  • Would You Rather (do this or do that? go here or go there?…)
  • Word Association – One person say a word and the next person says the first word that comes to mind.
  • One Word At A Time – tell a story with each person saying one word at a time and go around the table.
  • What has been your favorite vacation & why?
  • 10 things I love about….(seasons, holidays, person, place…)
  • What is your favorite food?

3. Get Organized & Purge

I can tend to get lazy when I’m stuck at home.

If you’re the same way, it’s okay.

Truly, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.

But, if organizing the stuff in your house makes you feel better and frees your mind, spending extra time at home would be the perfect time to tackle it.

And while you’re at it, put the things that you don’t want anymore in boxes to donate them.

Not only can organizing and purging feel so good to do, but also it can be very rewarding.

4. Play Board Games or Put a Puzzle Together

So, I dug out and dusted off a 1000 piece puzzle that my sister-in-law had given to my son for his birthday last year.

It was a Washington Nationals puzzle.

1000 Piece Washington Nationals Puzzle

While the intention was good – I just wanted some family togetherness – we should have started with an easier puzzle.

This puzzle kicked all of our butts and we never finished it, I hate to admit.

So if you do a puzzle, start off with something easy and work your way up.

Or maybe I’m just not the puzzle-putting-together kinda girl.

But I will say that the pieces we did manage to put together were fun!

Another fun activity is to break out the board games!

Some classic, fun family-friendly board games are:

  • Uno
  • Sorry!
  • Connect 4
  • Jenga
  • Scrabble

There are so many fun family board games that will really bring out everybody’s fun side!

5. Try New Recipes

I go through phases when I love trying out new recipes, like when I made this Old Bay Crab Salad Recipe:

Needless to say, this is where you can get creative.

Take a look in your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator and take stock of what you have.

Then go onto AllRecipes.com and put in the ingredients.

Recipes with those ingredients will pop up.

You’d be surprised at some amazing recipes you can make this way!

6. Experiment with Your Makeup

If you’re like me, you have drawers full of makeup that you haven’t used for one reason or another.

You might find a new method you really like!

Terri and I have two local friends who regularly offer video makeup tutorials and are really good at what they do!

Our friend, Marilyn Opitz has been doing makeup tutorials for years and years and loves to try out different looks.

Marilyn Opitz Makeup Tutorials

You can find Marilyn here:

Another friend, Heather Gaines has also been doing makeup tutorials and has been in the beauty and makeup business for many years.

Heather Rea Makeup Tutorials

You can find Heather here:

7. Play Your Favorite Music & Dance Like Nobody is Watching

I don’t know about you, but good music can turn my frown upside down!

There’s something to be said about how music can be so therapeutic and soothes the soul.

8. Get Into Gardening/Yard Work

So I’ve never had a green thumb, but I love pretty flowers and a well manicured lawn.

Thank goodness my husband is really good at it!

But this spring, more than any other spring in the past, I am yearning to get outside and plant all the things!

For example, just this weekend, we:

  • Weeded the flower beds
  • Spread a bunch of mulch
  • Planted various flower bulbs
  • Put in some edging
  • Cut the grass
  • Planted corn

It felt so good to get it all done and now I cannot wait to reap what we sow!

9. Start An After-Work/After-School Ritual

One of our readers told us that every evening, she and her husband go outside to unwind by the fire pit and enjoy a beverage together.

What a great idea and something you can look forward to every day!

Setting a fun ritual for your day can do wonders for your mood.

10. Prepare For Career Opportunities or Build a Business

It’s always a great time to utilize ways you can further your career, such as:

  • Update your resume
  • Sign up for a class to further your education or get a certification
  • Master new skills
  • Look into building a new business or enhance your current business

11. Meditation

I’ve never been one to meditate, but I hear that it can really do wonders to alleviate stress and keep you centered.

12. Comic Relief

Here are some ways you can get some comic relief:

  • Watch silly videos on TikTok
  • Tune in to your favorite comedian’s stand-up or even their Instagram account
    • We love Sebastian Maniscalco. He always puts a big smile on our faces.
  • Watch your favorite Sitcoms.

13. Phone Calls/Zoom/Face Time

Staying in touch with your friends and family is healing for the soul.

14. Crafting

I know several people who crochet, sew and scrapbook.

They all get so much pleasure out of creating something for themselves and others.

Do you do any crafts?

15. Read A Book – Or 2 or 3

Anytime is the perfect time to escape into a good book!

And even better, read a Kindle book.

What’s your favorite book right now?

16. Order A Fun Subscription Box

Who doesn’t love getting something exciting and new?

I know I sure do!

I’ve tried a couple subscription boxes and absolutely love them!

I look forward to their arrival and can’t wait to open up the box.

For example, I’ve subscribed to Bloomsy Box, a fresh flower subscription box.


They deliver gorgeous handpicked flowers that are sourced from sustainable farms from all over the world.

You can set your subscription to be weekly or monthly.

Another great subscription box is Groovy Lab in a Box!

These boxes are for kids ages 8+ to enjoy a monthly, fun, STEM related, hands-on project and engineering design challenge.

My son had this subscription box and loved it!

It really encouraged his critical thinking and coming up with outside-the-box ideas.

17. Learn More About Your Family History

So, Terri, my brother and I decided to join Ancestry 2 1/2 years ago and we did our DNA tests.

We honestly didn’t think anything earth shattering would come out of it.

However, the test was on sale and we thought it would be fun.

Fast forward 6 weeks later and we found out that we are 1/4 Sicilian and didn’t even know it!

Needless to say, it blew our minds and has truly changed our perspective on our family history.

We’ve met many of our Sicilian relatives and honestly feel more complete now.


It’s super interesting to discover more and more people you are related to!

Side note: Go into it with the knowledge that you might discover some long-held family secrets!

18. Use Your Skills & Strengths To Help Those in Need

Examples of this can be:

  • Donating food
  • Making something to donate
  • Donating money
  • Buying gift cards from local businesses to use later

19. Do That Project You’ve Been Putting Off Forever

One of our readers said that she’s now turning her kids art projects into photo books.

Such a great idea!

What things have you been putting off that you can do while you’re home?

20. Binge Watch Some of Your Favorite TV Shows

We love watching Netflix and Amazon Prime shows.

There are no commercials and you can watch an entire season in one sitting!

21. Journal What You’re Grateful For

Journaling things that you’re grateful for can really put all of the good things in your life in the forefront of your mind.

22. Exercise

Exercise is crucial no matter if you’re stuck at home or back to your busy life.

Planned exercise might be the only time you’re actually moving while at home.

Things you can do to exercise:

  • Exercise videos on YouTube
  • Virtual exercise classes
  • Take a walk
  • Run up and down your stairs
  • Use your home gym equipment

23. Pray

I don’t know about you, but for me, praying very is comforting.

24. Take Virtual Classes

There are virtual classes all over the internet now!

Ones we’re excited about are:

  • Creativebug

For more info on some of the things mentioned in this post, click on over to:

25 Fun Things To Do At Home That'll Keep You From Getting Bored!
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