Fun Easter Traditions & Projects For the Entire Family

From the time I was a little girl, I’ve always loved the Easter traditions that my parents established in our household.

It also happens that Easter is one of my all-time favorite holidays because it signifies Spring and new beginnings!

A sign of spring and new beginnings

So, I decided to put together, all in one place, a list of fun Easter traditions and projects that the entire family can enjoy year after year.

Fun Easter Traditions

Based on different cultures and rituals passed down from generation to generation, our Easter traditions may look different than yours.

OR they may look exactly the same!

We’d love to hear about traditions you’ve enjoyed with your family through the years!

1. Dying Easter Eggs

I’ll never forget being at my grandmother’s house right before Easter and sitting at her kitchen table to dye Easter eggs.

This is us as teenagers enjoying dying Easter eggs at our grandmother’s house.

Dying eggs at Grandma's

These are the kind of memories that I’ve never forgotten.

So when I became a parent myself, I too loved creating the same sense of magic for my son.

Hence, the tradition continues!

Easter Traditions - Dying Easter Eggs

One of the joys of dying Easter eggs is that you can add your own flair and personality onto the finished product.

Because in the end, they’re going to be cracked open and eaten anyway, so why not enjoy the process!

Dyed Easter Eggs

2. The Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is a mythical creature, (shhh don’t tell the kids!) but to be honest, I’ve never actually seen him!

So who really knows, right?

His legend runs along the same lines as Santa Claus – He visits each child’s house after everyone is asleep and he leaves Easter baskets full of candies and goodies.

Now if that isn’t something to look forward to, I don’t know what is!

3. Easter Baskets

Basket with big chocolate bunny

In our house, we could always count on a huge chocolate Easter bunny as the central focus in each of our baskets.

Then, surrounding the chocolate bunny was the Easter grass and lots of chocolatey, sugary treats!

We had to really dig around in the grass to find all of our goodies. That was part of the allure of it!

The below photo is us back in the 70’s posing for a nice family Easter photo, holding our baskets and all dressed up to go to church.

Easter Baskets

4. Church on Easter Morning

Another tradition that we’ve always practiced since I was a little girl is go to church on Easter morning.

Because, as Christians, Easter is one of the biggest days of the year (besides Christmas), as it’s the day Jesus rose again.

It’s a great feeling to dress up, go to church, pray, and really reflect on all of the blessings in our lives.

Church on Resurrection Sunday

5. Easter Egg Hunt

After church, it’s time to go home, change into more comfortable clothes and send the kiddos out for an Easter egg hunt!

Back in the day, when we were kids, our parents would hide the actual dyed hard boiled eggs for us to find.

That was great, but there was always one that wasn’t found until later in the summer when it had gone bad and would stink up the yard.

Nowadays, most people use the plastic hinged eggs.

And one advantage to these plastic eggs is that you can put more candy and money in them.

Hence, an extra motivator for the kiddos to find them!

Egg Hunt

6. Easter Dinner

Easter dinner is always a meal to look forward to all year long!

Our dinner typically consists of a big glazed ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, and biscuits.

And, there’s always deviled eggs involved throughout the day too!

7. Easter Bunny Cake

Coconut Bunny Cake

And last but not least is the Easter bunny cake my mom would make every Easter!

The photo above is from the actual recipe my mom kept in her recipe tin.

She’d dig it out every year and create the most perfectly decorated bunny cake with white fluffy coconut frosting and even the red bunny ears!

So, there’s our list of fun traditions we’ve celebrated through the years with our family.

For even more fun things to do, check out this list of Easter Family Traditions!

Fun Easter Projects

Easter Printables

Also, if you’re looking for some great printables, and lots of them, this 23 Easter Printables has got you covered!

Easter Centerpiece

Here’s an easy Spring and Easter arrangement!

Easter DIY Centerpiece

Soooo prettty! And it only requires 3 items to make it!

I think it would be fun to have this on the table for Easter dinner, put everybody’s names in a hat, and pick a centerpiece winner at the end of your gathering.

Easter Egg Garland Craft

I love this Plastic Easter Egg Garland Craft!

So simple, but I’ve never thought to do this!

I’m tellin’ ya – geniuses these people are who think of these things!

Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

Are you looking for something new and exciting when it comes to dying Easter eggs?

Well visit Momtastic for several ideas – the kids in your life will be amazed!

easter eggs pic

More Easter egg decorating ideas can be found at Paper & Stitch, and, even more amazing decorating ideas by Karin-Lidbeck Brent!

Easter Bunny Cake Cupcakes

Are these not just the cutest DIY Cute Easter Cupcakes ever?

They look so good and are so Easter-festive!

Easter Cupcakes

Easter Strawberries

Easter strawberries pic

How cute are these Easter strawberries that are “dressed up” as carrots?

Easter Bird’s Nest Cookies

And, last, but definitely not least, these Bird’s Nest Cookies are the epitome of Spring and renewal!

Bird's Nest Cookies

These cookies have a special place in my and Pam’s hearts – our mom used to make this type of cookie for us, as kids.

So, I hope this has given you a fresh set of ideas to make this Easter even more special.

My hopes are that my family will keep it simple, remember the meaning of Easter, spend good quality time with each other, and make some memories!

Easter image

Have a Happy Easter everybody!

(The image above was found on a BEAUTIFUL site called Vintage Dragonfly)

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Fun Easter Traditions & Projects For the Entire Family
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